Beauty Without Makeup

What is Beauty Without Makeup?

“Beauty Without Makeup” is created as a service consultation, to help individuals achieve their desired form, shape, and beauty by following a precise method of intellectual, emotional, and physical techniques personalized according to your nature and evolution.

With this guidance, everybody and anybody can be beautiful at any time of their life. You just need to follow the right techniques in the right direction and make a serious effort for it.

This is a unique method of reading developed over an experience of three decades, combining face reading, palm reading and Vedic Astrology to give an in-depth look at the individual’s personality and life that keeps all the secrets of their face and beauty. It allows you to create your own reality, take control of your life and bring about the physical manifestation of beauty in yourself.

Price: GBP 200/hr


How It Works

  • There are sessions conducted depending upon individual needs and a focused plan is mapped out to guide you to your desired result on this journey of complete and absolute transformation
  • As a result of years of experience in ‘Face Reading’, I present a series of reflections, exercises, and tools to achieve true and definitive beauty. You can create your own beauty in a natural way, because of an emotional and mental process that will be totally reflected at the physical level, on your face and body.
  • There will be an insight into personal circumstances and tendencies, which may be dispossessing you from your natural beauty
  • In general, 25% of beauty depends on good food, 25% on physical work and the remaining 50% on your mind, attitude, and actions. I will help you discover all of that so that you can transmit and enjoy your maximum beauty.
  • I will help reveal all secrets that can mould your face according to your current feelings, emotions, exercise, and good food. You can play with it and give it any shape and form.
  • Creating a good body and a beautiful face is an art, where your body is the raw material, you are the artist, and your intelligence is the tool. The more intuitive and intelligent you are, the better tools you will have to mould a good body and a wonderful face. My sessions will provide ideas to offer you better tools and an intuitive mind so that you can create a beautiful face and body.
  • Everything is online – you can record video or take notes
Beauty Without Makeup

“Self-Awareness is the Key to Beauty Without Makeup!”

Guidelines for Consultation

  • It is important for these ‘Beauty Without Makeup’ sessions that one should present in a normal dress without any kind of makeup so that I can see them in their natural form to understand and help them better.
  • It is recommended to send me beforehand at least 2 closeup photos of you of last 3 to 7 years old and one recent whole body length picture.
  • One should provide their date, time, and place of birth and keep ready recording device if they wish to record the session.
  • I may have to mention your negative traits that affect your beauty. Please do not get discouraged on hearing this, since it is my job to tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to. Please be open-minded and do not take it personally. Show courage to accept and correct them to be more beautiful.
  • ‘Beauty Without Makeup’ is a discipline you must follow on emotional, personal, and physical levels, to get natural beauty without any outer remedies.
  • Basically, Self-awareness is the key to ‘Beauty without Makeup’.

All Consultations are done through Video Calls only.

What You Can Achieve

With ‘Beauty Without Makeup’, you can achieve not just a beautiful face but a better physical shape, toned body, secrets of the photogenic face and more. It is a whole new world to be explored for those who want to try something different, effective, and all-natural. Apart from just physical beauty, it will transform you spiritually and will give a peaceful life.

There are a lot of beauty remedies to support and increase the beauty, from the outer perspective like Botox treatments, creams to make the skin shiny; but none of these can really make youself feel beautiful in and out.

What I present here is unique, without any kind of outer remedies. to make yourself fully aware and disciplined about the beauty that you can create yourself with a self-awareness that can transform you.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is Beauty without Makeup for men and women both?

Yes! Beauty without Makeup suggestions are for all sexes and age groups and everyone can enjoy its results. Somehow, we all want to look better regardless of our sex and age. The techniques I use are universal and are effective equally for men, women, and even for children and old age people.

What can I improve with Beauty without Makeup?

You can improve various features of your body. Such as you can create a truly charming and photogenic face. You can create rather beautiful and calmer eyes. Women can create better breasts. Tips to create proper body weight as this is very critical for your true beauty. People are unaware that how a proper combination of weight and workouts improves their face look, I help them to create it. Working on your emotions and mind and how it affects your physical beauty.

How long will beauty without makeup take to work?

In my experience and observation, it may take up to one year to show the visible results provided one follows the proper directions. These results will further increase as per passing years, and in three years the changes are permanent. It is all about changing your energies, the better and firmer changes you bring in your energies, the better results you will see on your face and body.

Is it easy to follow the Beauty without Makeup suggestions?

Sometimes people have difficult circumstances that they may not be able to follow my suggestions 100%, as they may find it difficult to come out from the conditioning of their old life pattern. But important is that do not give up and carry on, like this, they will achieve the results by the time.

This time limit (three years) is valid for any of the worse circumstances of life and will give you the best results within this time limit. But if someone has rather easy circumstances of life, they will definitely achieve the goals much earlier than the given time limit. Basically, coming out of your excessive mind and its conditioning, and situated in the neutral position of your being is the shortcut to achieve Beauty without Makeup within this time limit.

How often one should repeat the consultation and for how long?

To be honest never if you follow my given suggestions correctly. But yes, I recommend following my suggestions seriously for at least six months and then book another appointment, so that I can recheck your evolution and can update my suggestions as per your actual progress and need.

What If I cannot see the results?

Most probably it is because you are not following my suggestions 100% and ignoring and avoiding them somehow. You must push yourself to get it. It may not be easy to follow my suggestions sometimes, but this is the only way and the price to get your true beauty.

What else I can achieve apart from beauty?

I give personalized suggestions to achieve the best possible beauty within your reach and potential. I also help to create peace and harmony in your life along with the beauty, and you float in this divine trinity of peace, harmony, and beauty that is created by yourself only.

Price: GBP 200/hr

All Consultations are done through Video Calls only