Kind Words

I recently had a personal Vedic chart session with Vishal, and I am thoroughly impressed with the experience. Vishal's character description was accurate, capturing nuances about my personality. Moreover, the description of my life's goal was spot on. Vishal provided specific and personalized advice that was highly relevant to my current life situation. This advice has given me clear direction and actionable steps to take, which I am confident will positively impact my future. I highly recommend Vishal's Vedic chart sessions for insights into your life path.
- René
Getting to know my birth chart as a blueprint of who I am has been fundamental in unraveling the themes of my life's journey. Through his reading Vishal provides clear insights into where your inherent strenghts lie, but is also not afraid to point out where there is work to be done to move further ahead. Knowing why you keep on having to deal with reoccuring challenges, but also aknowledging all the precious gifts of this birth, has made it easier for me to see it all as one big blessing. To help me remember that I am made of His love all throughout each day. Deeply rooted in this ancient knowledge, with his reading Vishal can offer a practical perspective on how to deal with modern life.
- Freya.
Vishal's reading touched me deeply. I can't be grateful enough for all the information I received. For me it was a total game changer. I actually thought I could solve my problems at work. But Vishal showed me much more that solved all my “problems”. He illuminated aspects that I only had a subtle feeling for. You know there's something there, but you just can't get to it. He just showed me straight away what it was all about - clearly and precisely, with a big dose of joy, humor, love and compassion - and coffee 😉
– Sylvia Maria
“…incredible session; Vishal is direct, very clear and solution based. His reading so quickly and exactly identified issues I’ve been spending much of my lifetime trying to resolve on my own. Really, a life changing experience. Feeling grateful and blessed.”
– Marilyn
“I met Vishal back in 2014, my life and mental state was a mess to say the least. Everything I did and all my relationships were going bad despite my best efforts. As a last resort , I went down to Mystries in Covent Garden in search of guidance and to get to the bottom of what was really going on. Astrology has proven it’s worth to me time and time again, a visit with Vishal and his ability to read your face and hands too, I found to be a profound experience. I have had 4 readings with Vishal in 7 years, I keep on coming back as I find his honest and straight forward response to what he sees in me and the advise he gives, to be invaluable. My greatest turning points have been off the back of a visit with Vishal. He is funny, honest, immensely gifted and genuinely wants to help. I know this sounds a bit dramatic, but this guy has saved me from myself and helped me like no one elss I have ever met. I even sent my boyfriend (whom finds all of this extremely left field) to him years ago when he was at a ‘do or die’ crossroad in his life, Vishal can handle anyone, he got through to him. Vishal was raised doing this sort of work, the information and technique is infused within his very being. I have his details saved and kept up to date, I love this guy and I am SO grateful to have him around. I am sure I will know him for as long as possible. He has most certainly helped me raise my vibration over the years lol! “
– Renee
"Vishal delivered my reading with a holding of truth, warmth, understanding and joy. He made centuries of wisdom and knowledge accesible for me to relate to around my life. Now I work with the cosmos not against it. I surrender feeling empowered"
– Jaden
“Vishal’s Vedic astrology reading is mind blowingly accurate. In a very approachable way he put into words the whole structure of my life and being from past to present to future. He read beyond characteristics and personality traits, and went straight to my soul. In a delicate yet fun-loving way he touched my essence and did not only share his wisdom on an intellectual level, but actually left deep insights for me to absorb. The session opened me up for a set of simple yet profound changes in my daily life that guide me to a deeper understanding of myself. I most definitely recommend you to record the session, so you can listen it back as much as you wish!”
– Annaluke
I was in India and searching for the right Astrologer who could help a dear friend who’d just received a diagnosis of a brain tumour. These come with a timeline. Its not difficult to find an astrologer in India and – its not easy to find the ‘right’ one amongst so many! Providence brought me quickly to Vishal Krishna. After an initial appointment, I put my friend directly in contact with him. Speaking with someone who’s life is so ‘on the line’ you need a lot of skill. Vishalji brings so much more than great skill to the table. Tremendous insight shared with humour, care and spiritual understanding (not soft soaping) and so genuine that one is left in no doubt but that this being has ‘seen’ you and is wanting only to see you succeed in life’s journey. That is priceless! Thank you Vishalji, you have helped me a lot! I’ve pointed many friends to you, and with unerring accuracy and compassion you have brought light to their path.
– Savitri
Dear Vishal, Thank you so much for your revolutionary insight and guidance – I know it will transform my life for the better for years to come.
– Radha
Vishal was incredibly insightful into how my life would play out. It was something that I always felt deep inside and his confirmation and wise words kept me conscious of how I could move with the forces, instead of against them, or trying to deny them.””
– Sharmadien
Vishal is a very skilled astrology reader. He spends time to give the reader the most in-depth reading as much as he can. He has a way of finding out the most little and most accurate details about you as a subject and relay that info about you that will blow your mind. That’s how you know the reading he is doing for you is pretty accurate representation of your past, present and future possibilities.
– Maria
Hi Vishal, I just wanted to thank you for seeing me on such short notice on Sunday. I have been to a few Astrologers for a reading in the past and have not really understood much of what they have told me because I don’t understand astrology. However I was very excited to see you as my daughter Renee has spoken so highly about you for many years and now I see why. You were so easy to understand because you took the time to explain things to me and I thank you for that. Although I could not offer you the time of my birth, I completely resonated with the guidance which you offered me and started putting it into practice straight away. I look forward to reporting on the wonderful changes in my life that I know I can now make on my own. Thank you again and wishing you all the very best, Lorraine 😘 .
– Lorraine
I have just had my astrology done with Vishal.. I was astounded how accurate he was to everything he told me. As he gave me clarity on some of the things I was already feeling and guidelines on what to do. I would highly recommend him to others..
– Sandra
I have just had my astrology done with Vishal.. I was astounded how accurate he was to everything he told me. As he gave me clarity on some of the things I was already feeling and guidelines on what to do. I would highly recommend him to others..
– Sandra
I have been receiving guidance from Vishal for the past 4 years. He is brief and to the point, with no sugar coating because he genuinely cares. His advice is extremely relevant, realistic and life changing. Because of my astrologic placements, there were multiple blockages… and with his advice, I am creating my own journey of self-empowerment and independence.
– Meera
I know Vishal ji since 16/17 years and always been a pleasure A soft spoken astrologer who answers all questions with accurate prediction. We could contact them several times for suggestions in our life. A person who gives light to entire world. I request to contact him with confidence…. “
– Sonia
This has been a long time coming but never got a chance to show Vishal Ji my gratitude in words. I happened to connect with Vishal ji by chance while I was in the UK and there has been no looking back. I was amazed to hear the accurate details of my past that only served to build my confidence in him and his readings. I find him honest, sincere and without malice. His approach to astrology and simplistic delivery is truly special…Thanks again for your advice and guidance to help us navigate through times good and better…”
– Anupam Srivastava
I have been a client of Vishal for many years. He is incredibly insightful and his advice has been very useful and accurate.”
– Sam
Vishalji is very accurate and through and gives really good recommendations based on astro, face and palm accumulative knowledge has has mastered. As he is fully independent and dose not sale any rings and gems I know all the recommendations are fully unbiased. “
– Manish
I had a reading with Vishal in Covent Garden, London, in mid-2015. I was truly surprised by the accuracy with which he was able to describe the early period of my life, my current situation and my personal characteristics and attributes – on the basis of my birth date and his reading of my face and hands only! Several of the predictions and outcomes he made regarding my career and personal life have also materialised in some form and I look forward to seeing how the longer term ones pan out. Vishal also made time to see me during a particularly difficult personal experience and I deeply appreciate the advice he provided with me then. He truly has a gift and I cannot speak more highly of him. “
– RC
One afternoon in Covent Garden I suddenly found myself having a reading with the wonderful Vishal. He gave me an incredible reading that I found extremely powerful and honest. As these things always do meeting him that day came at the right time. I’m already excited about going to see him for more specific readings. Thank you Vishal you are truly special xx”
– Ellie
Vishalji has always been a great guidance and simple evaluater to the problems I have put across. He has given simple and practical solution to questions asked . Along with astrology he is also a great life coach . Thank you Vishalji”
– Nishi
I met Vishal in the year 2007 in Lanzarote (Spain), when I needed help. Whatever he predicted for the next 10 years for me comes true. He is so accurate that I can’t explain in the words. Thank you so much Vishal Krishna.”
– Amarlal Bhatia
Just dropping you a line to say I had a very good reading with Vishal Krishna on monday, I was so blown away when I came out. Vishal Krishna was so accurate in summing up my situation, and incredibly, how I got there. He gave me information on possible outcomes (some I was already aware of) and he provided suggestions on the approaches I could take a direction in life that i wanted. All with very little personal information provoded. I didnt even know the exect time of my birth so i was astonished. It was literally a spur of the moment visit and i am very pleased that I got Vishal Krishna. Best wishes Sharon “
– Sharon
I met Vishal last year when I needed help and advice on a crucial decision. He gave me the encouragement I needed to pursue what my heart wanted. Vishal is very intuitive and compassionate . I have seen him twice and spoke on the phone where I received guidance and comfort when I most needed. Vishal Krishna is more than a reader , for me he was like a spiritual priest . Thank you so much for your kindness and insight “
– Esperanza
We pray to God for help and he helps us through our most difficult times through different means. God has truly helped me by guiding me to you Vishal. I am very grateful to have been drawn to a genuine sincere spiritual healer. You have helped me and my family immensely and continue doing so. Thank you Vishal for your support and informative readings I can not recommend you highly enough. May you continue to shine your light.”
– Neela
I was introduced to vishalji a couple of years ago, I am really impressed to him he is one of the most genuine and sincere people. I found the Vedic astrology reading to be highly informative and the details he was able to reply about our past very specific and also very accurate. We consider him like a family member. We look forward his guidance at all the times thanks.. “
– Shikha Sharma
I’ve had the privilege of working with Vishal Krishna for a few years. He is always bubbly, approachable and caring towards everyone. He has helped me at a few important junctures in my life. Each time he took the time to really listen to what the issue was and what I wished out of it. It’s really refreshing to have a solution-based reading where I felt I was a participant in steering the course of my destiny. I feel I was given a sincere and wise counsel from Vishal Krishna every time. I am happy to say that my life has turned out wonderfully and I am very, very happy. Thank you, Vishal Krishna, you know I am forever grateful to you. “
– Yogi
Vishal Krishna has been very helpful for us. My family and I are very thankful for his words of wisdom and the ceremonies he has conducted for us. His knowledge and readings are very precise, thank you for everything!”
– Nitya
Thank you Vishal Krishna for your continuous support and encouragement through this rather testing time. Your guidance has been invaluable and you made me see that nothing is set in stone and we are indeed the masters of our own destiny. I have consulted with many astrologers and other types of readers and where others would tell me what I want to hear – Vishal Krishna tells you what you need. He has given me hope, courage and the right tools to help me achieve my goals. Your interpretation of your craft is meticulous and admirable combined with your humanistic approach I feel truly blessed to have met you.”
– MK
Having a little Vedic knowledge myself it is such a pleasure to hold conversation with Vishal Krishna with is vast coverage. I learn so much from him and his astrology is amazingly accurate. Having met so many astrologers I can honestly say Vishal’s readings rate the best. Good luck Vishal for your passion, honesty, accuracy and knowledge. It will lead you to long lasting success. Panna..”
– Panna
I found Vishal’s reading insightful & a great guide to changing my everyday life, in order to gain focus & happiness. It was encouraged me to implement changes & grow spiritually. Thank you Vishal.”
– Fae
I met Vishal at a very trying time in my life almost 4 years ago. I found this type of reading enlightening and most accurate. Moreover, he was able to advise me of the near future and provide prayers which were most helpful in keeping me focused at tempestuous times. I have referred him to many of my clients, family and friends and they have all remarked on how wonderful he is. Highly recommended!”
– Jean
Vishal has really helped me through a tough time. He has a realistic approach and tells you what you need to hear not what you want to. He was very honest and told me it wouldn’t be a easy ride but at the same time gave me tools to help improve my state of mind and how to get what I want and need. Based on his guidance – one year on I have began retraining and found a job within that sector. He always makes me laugh and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him to all those you want a no nonsense approach. “
– Kajal
Vishal Ji is a disciple of the divine. He is a confidante, and a dear friend. His prayers and his pujas are pious and pure in their entirety. I can not recommend the services of Vishal Ji, highly enough. He is a guide, that will show you the righteous path and he will do so in Godly & endearing manner. All that he does, he does with purity and love. My life has become richer in entirety by his presence and all the good deeds he has kindly bestowed upon me. For anybody requiring some clarity – Vishal Ji is the person to seek counsel from. Thank you Vishal Ji, I am humbled by all that you have done and all that you do for me. May you carry on to do great things! Radhe Radhe “
– Rishi
I had the privilege of meeting Vishal Krishna approximately 3 years ago. Initially I was skeptical as I’ve had my horoscope done by other astrologers, and nothing predicted ever seemed to happen. Vishalji used not just my birth chart, but also linked it with face and palm reading to get a complete accurate picture. We found out that the birth time I had, been using all these years was inaccurate… I was born approximately 25 minutes later than had initially thought. After Vishalji did my time correction…all planets moved by one house and everything made sense…even his predictions with my new chart are coming through. For any major decisions or investments, I have Vishalji on speed dial! He is absolutely brilliant, and I can highly recommend him. His knowledge is astounding. “
– Saloni Belaid
I was introduced to Vishalji a couple of years ago, and his readings not only provided my with sage counsel and comfort but offered a great degree of clarity and certainty. All that he said has come to pass. He is one of the most genuine and sincere people I have ever met and have nothing but love and respect for Vishalji. God bless!”
– Rahul
We met Vishalji through destiny when we were going through a rough tide in our life and through his astrology he predicted every single aspect precisely and guided us through this storm. We consider him like a family member as his genuineness cannot be described. Vishalji is a very strong person with a lot of positivity about him. Our respect for him has grown through the years and we look forward to his guidance at all times. Radhe Radhe Vishalji.. you are awesome. God bless you.”
– Renu Mahesh
I was fortunate to meet Vishal Krishna about 3 years ago. I found the Vedic astrology reading to be highly informative and the details he was able to relay about my past very specific and also very accurate. I left after an hour, feeling very uplifted & positive about the possibilities that lay ahead of me. Now, 3 years on, my career has changed significantly, I am living with the woman of my dreams and life just seems to keep getting better and better (as was predicted). Thank you so much Vishal Krishna!”
– Michael